Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Nostradamus did not see this coming….

There have been quite a few prophecies in the past and the most famous among them and widely read book remains the one written by Nostradamus. Some call him genius and yet others doubt the poetic, innuendoes as they are left for the readers interpretation.

But today I intend to put forth blatantly that I foresee that US intelligence/media( the media is nothing more than a marketing tool in US society – no more does it rely on realistic journalism) will have some lead / break through / security alert announced as early as October of 2008 and this precisely will be before the Presidential elections in November of 2008.

How am I able to say this? Very simple we value our life more than anything else in this world. True to heart that is my take too. If we look at the past 10 years the government in US has made use of this vulnerability of it masses to its best advantage. The same vulnerability is well played upon the insurance industry – but that’s a completely different debate.

After the first tenure of President Bush it would have taken an electorate completely ignorant of social, economical, political and foreign policy to re-elect him. Agreed it was a closely contented race and it was hair raising experience to watch him win the very first and the second tenure.

I am not sure how many among us remember the Osama Bin Laden’s tape that surfaced from no where on October 29th, 2004 just a week before the presidential election? Why in October not November or September. The reasoning is very simple – it plays with the psyche of the electorate and even those who want political, economic and foreign policy reform, weight their options and tend to vote for a party that is pro-war in the name of elimination of terrorism. Most of the electorate is happy knowing the government is doing something to curb terrorism. Though in plain text it means invading a sovereign county and killing innocent people. Now this was 2004 presidential election.

Take the case of mayoral elections for the city of NY – Mr. Michael Bloomberg was not given a ticket by democrats, he chooses to run on the republican ticket instead. I don’t mean to under mine the $100/- per resident of New York campaigning that Mr. Bloomberg had undertaken (he is a billionaire and he could afford it), but right before the election date the city wide terrorist alert was at its peak. We saw high levels of security, sniffer dogs and random checking at all mass transit locations. Guess what? He did become the mayor, not sure how much of it was the $$$ and how much of it was purely due to the terror that was created. The millions spent on campaign were great but the red alert was the icing on the cake that sealed the deal.

These were just few of the comparisons, there are many more where this administration had used varying levels of deception to play with its mass. Today we are in peril politically, economically, credibility wise and on foreign policy. This administration has always been elusive, side tracking, and playing with the vulnerability of its people. It is human tendency that we incline to protect ourselves first. I will not be surprised if this tactics follows again in 2008 election.

Hence I predict that more sooner than later we will be tuning in to hear a very terrifying news on terrorist / Osama? his aids or something relating to these.

Which leads me to wonder who is a terrorist after all? One how creates terror or the one who is marketed as a terrorist. If it is one who creates terror – then this administration is no less a terrorist than Osama – it has played with the emotions of its own people more than once and wants to portray an image of human rights while invading and ruining counties at whim without any evidence supporting the contrary.

So look forward to a news blast soon to arrive…..
Your thoughts are welcome.

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