Thursday, December 9, 2010

Double Standards: Abuse of Interpol

Apparently interpol acts faster on rape allegation(allegation being the key word) but in case of sex with a minor( Roman Polanski-'77) it took interpol more than 3 decades to finally issue a warrant in '09. During this period Polanski won numerous prestigious awards including OSCAR, BAFTA, Palm Dior etc, there was no stopping of recognition or hold on bank accounts. Polanski was lucky not to have leaked any official US docs but only to have limited his acts to molesting a minor in US!

Looks like interpol acts based on the might of super powers and kindles to the needs of the mighty, it willingly does this even at the expense of looking "abused / molested" in this bargain!

Friday, October 29, 2010

The election trump card: TERROR

How coward and ignorant are we? If you ask any of our politicians we are just one TERROR alert away from being completely freaked out! They have pretty much concluded that common man can be taken for a ride anytime

Every time there is an election the trump card has been always been terror alert. Dreadful 9/11 happened and looks like a decade from the date the politicians are still playing with the emotions of the general population to win elections in the name of terror.

Bush did the same to get re elected, Bloomberg did the same to seal his mayoral seat in 2008, I am sorry to say but Obama is no different with the announcement “Shipments from Yemen meant for US” – all I see is an administration’s desperate measure to hold office at any cost. The tactic is not limited to one party both democratic and republican administrations have used this. Using terror to a party's advantage is the latest fad in politcs. Every party is embracing it at the cost of tax payer.

I have only one question how come all these threats happen right around election time?

Any comments?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The true genius of Gandhi

This article is my theory on why Gandhi choose the peaceful path, by no means is there scientific nor correlating evidence to support my theory(at least yet)

Gandhi ji or Mahatma Gandhi is how he is addressed in Indian sub continent. The father of the nation is known across the world for his non-violent and peaceful protest against the British rule, ultimately leading to India’s independence.

The true genius of Gandhi is not in preaching and following non-violence but actually the reason why he choose the path of non-violence? Truly speaking even in Gita – the Hindu religious book that describes the way of life for a Hindu, Krishna says to Arjuna not to hesitate in killing your own blood relatives when they stand opposed to Dharma.

So why did Gandhi follow non-violence? In simple words he was a smart man who understood the odds and logistics going against a sophisticated army with bare min modern war skills and armaments.

Development in twentieth century India did not take place at the same pace as in the west. Actually if not anything Indian sub continent were a centuries behind. If not for the British, India wouldn’t have had exposure to locomotives, cars, English language and most important modern weapons.

Gandhi understood the sheer economics involved in fighting the British, if Indians would have revolted against British head on - in a battle with modern weaponry there was little doubt that Indians had any chance of coming out alive let alone successful. Gandhi understood that if Indians fought head on – the dependence on guns and am munitions would be 100% through smuggled means, as there was no ammunition / arms factory that Indians owned/controlled. Neither did the Indians have the required technology to build hand guns, bullets or advanced military weapons required to meet the British might.

Also, true victory in a head on battle involved far too many variables like – trained men who could use the modern weapons, generals who had knowledge of modern warfare, supply of weapons etc., India without doubt had not one variable in this equation that it excelled. Other than may be the sheer number of the men willing to fight. But modern era battles could hardly be won based on size of the army.

Gandhi was resilient and figured a better approach would be non-violence – this approach would not only test the patience of British Raj but without having to rely on arms make every weapon in British garrison become futile and worthless. Also, this approach turned out to be so new to British Raj that they did not have a work around it. Never have they faced a situation as this and did not have any true means to fight non-violence. Non-violence was completely a foreign concept to Algo-Saxon-Viking Descend. Thanks to advent of radio news traveled fast and if not anything the prude Victorians could never live with having killed a man practicing non-violence(though they did kill few thousands before this realization came). If only they had a way out were in they could still maintain their chin up and vanquish Gandhi’s tactics they would have. But alas British Raj had to withdraw irrespective of their mighty weapons.

I am not sure what transformed Gandhi to rely on non-violent methods of revolt but in my limited capacity when I put myself in his shoes above listed is a conclusive thought process. The fact that Gandhi understood this and was able to successfully follow through his methodology better than anyone else makes him a true genius and a Mahatma.

Note: British having ruled India for 200 years and looted its wealth ultimately bowed to Gandhi’s non-violent methods of protest. They made sure that the future generation of Indians had to rely on arms and foreign diplomacy – they divided the country before they left. Today we are left with two nations battling to gain supremacy in Kashmir while both India and Pakistan spend millions to increase their military might – it is the west that’s still profiting from this. Even in their absence they have created a divide so wide the ripples would be felt for generations to endure.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Caste System BOON or a Bane?

I am an immigrant and every time I tell someone I am from India there is the inevitable question of caste system that pops up in the conversation.

Have always been intrigued and wondered the origins of this system that has such deep rooted presence in the Indian sub-continent and its population’s psyche. I want to back track and put forth my hypothesis on the origins and to a large extent try to dig the good intentions with which the system might have been put in place.

A magnificent culture that has more than 5000 years of history could not have survived the test of time if not for the very strong fundamental scriptures it follows /applies in daily life. If we look at the whole world and try to associate groups of people who still carry forward the old traditions and rituals/beliefs that were passed from one generation to other. The Hindu tradition would stand out as time tested and relevant even today since its inception 5000 years ago.

It’s aptly said - Hinduism is a way of life and unlike any other religion it doesn’t believe in conversion nor does it proclaim to be the only means to enlighten. Your deeds describe your destiny and your actions set your path.

None of the ancient scriptures discriminate based on caste. My article is aimed at understanding the caste system it’s relevance and importance in social order and how it might have been a better system to follow than the hedonistic discrimination that the west imposed based on color of the skin.

Lets go back 5000 years try to understand the social order, way of living and may be to an extent the daily life style of the people then. Unfortunately for us the closest we can get to any existing proof of a societal living would be Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa (around 2600 BCE abandoned around 1600 BCE)[ by no means am I proclaiming these societies followed Hindu tradition, I am merely using them as examples to enlighten the advancement in society during this age] are the only proof of ancient civilization, Before Christian Era, in the Indian subcontinent that have stood the test of time(with whatever little is left of them). These sites in their current state of ruin helps us understand the society that flourished and technical advancement these people achieved during their time. One fine day the civilization on the Sindh basin ceased to exist and we are yet to figure out what was the cause. May be the flooding of the basin but this is not a concrete proof yet.

This civilization was so advanced that they had means and knowledge to build stairs, they had channels for drinking water and separate channel for sewage / drainage, brick laying skills etc. Due to limitation in scope of the article I don’t want to go further into this. Also, around this time in west people were still scavengers they did not have any social skills of living together in a society.

There was limited knowledge of ore / minerals / building or housing technology / town planning / religious rituals etc. Means of transportation is using domesticated animals and carts dragged by the domesticated beasts. In such conditions don’t you think it is wise that one how knew how to extract ore thought his son how to carry forward the trade, one who had skills in archery tough his kids what he knew best so on and so forth? When this practice is followed in a large scale in a society – the system that evolved was division of society based on the functions each provided ultimately leading to the four major castes/divisions.

The people who conducted the religious rights and understood pattern of moon and stars along with the cycle of seasons automatically took the highest position in the society, as they could decipher the unknown and to a large extend could read and write, were called Brahmins. May be to an extent man was always looking out for the higher order to follow or it might be purely based on the realization that these concepts where beyond an average human being of that period the society put the priests and teachers in the highest pedestal possible. Next important reverence was the warrior class called the Kshatriyas, the people who fought invaders and protected their people, this set of people even today have undulating respect in every nation and are seen as the revered asset of a nation. Followed by the business class, Vayshyas, that conduct the everyday functions of the society the business men who run the society by providing the very essential goods and supplies that keep the society functioning. The last of the caste /class system are the laborers, Shudras, who toil to make everyday living but doing odd jobs and jobs that none other would do, they included barbers, cleaners, butchers etc

The system was a marvelous concept – the purpose was to make sure that knowledge of a particular trade was never lost and is carry forwarded from one generation to the other. Today we try to understand the genealogy and try to figure out that one particular gene that is responsible for any given factor of excellence or the lack of it. May be the ancient men within their limited knowledge did understand this aspect and wanted this excellence to pass for one generation to the other in the form of skills or guarding it within their own caste!

The caste system would not have begun with the intent to abuse any set of people it would have begun as a means of conducting trade or enriching the gene pool(in simpler terms enhancing the skills) with in a set of people who do a particular trade/business/profession. But the creators of the system did not know that man as he progresses would become morally corrupt to an extent that it will be man eat man world in no time.

Over a period of time when society grew and legions started invading one other these systems started to take more rigid boundaries and started imparting rules that led to the unfathomable deeds of un-touchability and child marriage and sati(jumping(forced in most cases, as time went by. But this tradition started with women folk not wanting get abused by the invading army choosing to jump in the pyre of their husbands) into husbands pyre) etc. The power of the Brahmin class increased exponentially over the period of time and with systematic abuse of the whole caste system they were able to achieve anything in the name of God and possessing supreme power. If that was not enough the British Raj with its Victorian way of life imposed everything English on us. A country that had temples dedicated to SEX and Sexual Postures became so closeted that the very utterance of the word SEX became taboo! The Brits did not understand the caste system as their society was divided based on CLASS system. In the 10 censuses that Brits conducted, the society got further divided caste wise ultimately over the period of 200 years under their role an already degrading system was further abused by the power mongers – leading to social and political oppression on the lower caste.

The caste system is still in place intact and it is not only prevalent in India as the general consensus of the world stands. As an example here is how it function’s in today’s world in the most affluent and most powerful nation of the world.





the learned class that safe guards the texts and is looked upon to decipher the sacred scriptures

The President and Judiciary – in todays America it is the left or right leaning judiciary that makes a difference in interpretation of law. In actuality the interpreters of the law were always expected to be neutral in stance and not let personal affiliations hamper their interpretation of law. But in today’s politics even judiciary remains biased and jolly around with their own interest groups


The very class of men that protect the nation and follow a kings command

The Army/Navy/Airforce – only today its is special interest groups like Riffle Association, Blackstones, Halliburton’s etc., that dictate – the countries to invade which inturn get them lucrative Federal contracts


The business men

The Rockerfellers, Morgans, Mellons, Kochs, and similar high profile families and rich senators who decide and influence policy making to inturn benefit their own. These form the very core of the business community playing the key strategists who with the power of money, connections and lobbyists make the business decisions for America.


The Common Man / Blue collar worker & middle class

It is this class of people that no one seems to care in today’s America – they are squeezed from every which way to shell their hard earned money in the name of American dream.

Very much as the caste system in India was not supposed to create barrier among people but to have a better learned society, the democratic processes in America was supposed to create a society where law was not interpreted based on affiliations, the lobbying power of interest groups or by the sending power of any vested interest group. There is no difference between the two, only the names of the players have changed but the basic function and abuse of power has made a system that could have functioned well to a pile of crabs in a well that won’t let anyone advance to top.

Coming to a conclusion if it’s a BOON or a BANE – all I can say is in its present form of functioning it definitely is a BANE, but I am sure during its inception it started off as a BOON to the society and like all good thing it came to a tragic demise during its journey to its ultimate form as it looms today on the society with its ugly and venomous fangs.

The interpretation and analysis expressed in this article are purely mine and by no means hold scientific or conclusive evidence.

Your comments are most welcome.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Recent “tentative” deal between the credit card companies and Justice department wherein credit card companies settled with justice department and agreed to lower charges towards swipe fee they charge their customers, has me thinking – the credit card companies made $35 Billion last year on charge fee alone, the government in turn has called a foul play and filed a antitrust suite where in it made settlement with two of the three major CC companies( Visa and Master have settled Amex is going to appeal). Leaving the customer (businesses here) to come in terms to live with the past charges and payments, in hopes of lower charges moving forward.

I remember my dry cleaner cringing every time I wanted to pay using my Cards – I had no knowledge that the charges to him were this outrageous! This settlement doesn’t help the hard working working-class that has worked so hard to keep this economy going only to be looted by the CC companies. It’s true that the CC companies get to, for lack of better word, F*** not only the consumer who holds their card through outrageous policies and APR’s but it does the same to every shop owner/business that accepts CC’s through swipe fees. These companies have bilked the economy and grown so huge that it’s outrageous what they have achieved in the name of easy credit at the expense of every citizen’s hard earned money!

Wouldn’t a better settlement have been for the CC companies to revert certain percentage of the past charges back to the businesses? Most of the small and medium business request payment in cash if the transaction is below certain $ amount – as they were not able to accommodate for the swipe charges. The swipe charges are not straight forward they are again based on risk and tie up to the rewards program(of each individual card holder) and what not, hence a business would not incur the same swipe charge if I were to swipe my Master card for $40 and XYZ where to swipe his for the same amount!!

The irony is except for the ones who (shop owners/business owners) actually paid in this whole ball game – rather burnt his pockets, everyone one else including the government is keen to only having the slice of the pie. All the while the Gov has put up a show for having been “actively” and “genuinely” looking for the benefits of the common man.

Kudos to the lobbyist who help CC companies gain foot hold in policy making, having made billions by making credit easy only to have the consumer at gun point to fork out all his saving/earnings to accommodate for killer APR’s which balloon at alarming rate. If that was not enough they turn around and have the businesses by their balls to fork out swipe fees every time a card is used.

The thing to loath with CC’s is not that credit is available easily or that APR’s are involved – on a more sanguine note: the CC companies changed the complete psyche of the latest two generation towards easy money, swipe now pay later has become the mantra of X,Y and Z generations. We are so dependent on CC’s today that it’s hard to believe that two generation ago our grand fathers spent/bought only what they could afford and always had money tucked away for rainy day. Today when it rains – all one can think is where to vacation to get away from rain.

If this is progress then maybe we need to digress from it and slow down and not live in the moment but have a plan how to achieve / what to achieve in life and work towards it diligently while always saving for that unexpected “rainy” day. Otherwise CC companies – a better word is LOAN SHARKS – will make our life miserable while living lavishly on our hard earned money which could have been our’s if only we could resist the temptation to swipe!

Your thoughts and comments are most welcome.

Related article in NYTIMES:

After the hiatus

It’s been a very long time since my last post. I had been through roller coaster ride during this time. The excitement I had when Obama got elected could not last very long as due to the recession I had under gone a layoff and the complete coast-coast relocation only to realize I landed on a job that had a work culture that wasn’t for me. Before long I had started looking for a new job and I was able to finally get what I wanted.

It was tough times yes, but on the other hand truly a very learning experience. I got to realize that it is not having a job that is important – it is 10 times more important that the JOB NEEDS YOU. If one doubts that his job responsibilities/functions don’t make much difference to the company - it is time to look for the next job. The one other aspect of work life is we usually try to prosper by making sure what we want – but seldom list out what we don’t. It is as important to know what you don’t want, where you don’t wanna be etc. as these are the means by which you will know when to get out of a place without wasting much time. Life is too short to lose time at a place where you don’t wanna be.

Also, I cannot thank enough my better-half who was there to support me through these tough times. I couldn't have made it without this quintessential support.

Hopefully I will be able to get back on track and keep the blog live – it is always encouraging to receive comments and suggestions. Appreciate it a lot when you take time to not only stop by but to share your thoughts against mine.

With best wishes to one and all
